How to Sell Domain Names on Craig’s List

Most web users are familiar with Craig’s List because they sell items they don’t need to another that may want them. Do you know that buyers also comb the ads to find business opportunities? I believe domain names are considered a business. One can monetize a domain to make revenue. I managed to sell a few domain names on Craig’s List. How do you sell domain names on Craig’s List?

Step 1: Determine the commercial value of your domain name. If you own many GEO related domain names such as New York City, then list them one domain in different areas within Manhattan. San Francisco related domain names can be listed in the Mission District, Russian Hills, and other areas in San Francisco. Product domains and service domains should be listed in areas which have the most interest. You’re not going to list snow service domains in Hawaii, or tree service domains in areas with no demand for such service. Once you determine the area which fits the domain name, move to step 2.

Step 2: Determine whether you want to list in the ‘Business’ or ‘general’ category. I prefer not to use the computer’s category because most people that search in that category probably won’t pay good money to buy your domain. There are a lot of frugal people that will try to negotiate on a dollar. I believe revenue domains and those that fall under the business/commercial classification must be listed in the ‘business’ category. The ‘general’ category will produce interest, and possibly a potential sale. Domain names are essentially a business. Move on to Step 3.

Step 3: Choose a catchy title such as “Buy Your Own Ticket to Success: up for Sale.” Set a good price that will gain attention. Move to Step 4.

Step 4: Write a description of the domain name. Tell a buyer what they can do with the domain name, but ultimately communicate to them that they’re make a good investment in acquiring a domain name. Let them know that they control their investment, and the domain name will help them reach their goals. Move to step 5.

Step 5: Include the domain name registrar – Network Solutions, Go Daddy, Name Cheap, and etc.. Tell the buyer where they can find the domain up for sale. ****very important**** Use a domain sales platform to place the domain up for sale. Provide the link to the domain at the end of the description. Domains are a business which attract scam buyers searching for information, or who want to take advantage of you. Trust is a major issue. When you first make a sale, then you know the buyer owns the domain. There is more credibility in a transaction after a first sale. Refer the buyer to Sedo, Go Daddy, Buy Domains, Moniker, or any domain platform of your choosing. Move to Step 6

Step 6: Thank your audience that may be browsing your domain ad. Wish them luck in their goal to build the domain in a business, or to make an investment to generate a future sale. Move to Step 7.

Step 7: Upload a picture of the “domain name” on a parked page, or the website the domain name operates on. Buyers like pictures. You can also upload a picture that communicates the domain name. Be careful with using any copyrighted images. Move to Step 8.

Step 8: Submit the ad. Review the ad after it’s created to ensure you provided the right information such as the domain name, the price, registrar, and the link to refer the buyer. Most importantly, good luck on making a sale on Craig’s List.

Additional Steps:

Step 1: Make sure all your prices are consistent on domain platforms. You never know when a buyer will reach your page. Don’t advertise your name for $300, but have it up for sale at $100 on Sedo. Pricing is important.

Step 2: Tell people about your advertisement on Craig’s List. Tweet it. Put it up on Facebook. Let people know you’re selling a specific domain.

Step 3: If you have a partnership with a Domain company to promote your domains, use the link with your domain name embedded in it to make commission from selling the domain. You will earn back some of the commission you’re paying out to sell the domain name.

Steps to Avoid:

Step 1: Don’t deal with buyers directly. You don’t know them. Don’t get all excited about selling a domain, and then transfer it away to some unknown person. Think of your domains like your children. Will you let any person watch your children? Probably not. Building trust is important. The first sale breaks the ice. Let the domain company handle the deal.

Step 2: Avoid pricing your domains at high amounts. Many domain investors on Go Daddy, Sedo, and Buy Domains tend to overprice domains to make them unattainable. Know your market. Price the domains right to find a buyer.

Good luck on selling your domain names on Craig’s List. It may not be best way to sell domains, but I have experience with selling two domains due to placing ads in specific GEO locations. I know it works. It can work for you. Sell away!

Explore posts in the same categories: domain flipping

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6 Comments on “How to Sell Domain Names on Craig’s List”

  1. wilner Says:

    Great post with real applicable information, I currently got some domains listed on craigslist. You’re right about using a third party platform to handle the sale.

    • Suisun Blog Says:


      Good luck on selling your domains. Thanks for reading.

    • Suisun Blog Says:


      I reviewed your ad. Make sure that you spread out your domains so people will find them. You will likely get spam, so be careful on who you are dealing with. If you have experience with selling on Craig’s List, then you will know what to expect with the spam and shady inquiries. There are a few good inquiries, but the only sales I have is when I refer them to another format. Good luck.

  2. […] Jason posted his step-by-step formula on how to post on Craigslist. Today, he posted exactly how he listed his domain name for sale at […]

  3. The problem I had with Craigslist was the moderators. I don’t know exactly how they get their moderator status but boy, I met some nasty people. I listed about 10 domains. They were geo domains and I listed them exactly in the perfect CL. For example, listed in the Dothan Craigslist! In the business section. With a logo. They didn’t like the listing because it wasn’t “something you can put in the trunk of a car”. And when they found out I didn’t live in Dothan, they went ballistic and kicked me off the Help thread! I read the TOS. I’m sure I was in the right. The moderators are anonymous, often work together, and have all the power. Some of my listings ran their course with no problem (or inquiries). A few were deleted. When I attempted to find out why, I met the CraigsList Trolls.

    • Suisun Blog Says:


      Thanks for sharing your experience for listing your domain names on Craig’s List. In past, several of my domain ads were flagged, but mostly 80-90% of my ads made it through the run. I listed hundreds of ads. Ultimately, pricing is the key to attracting buyers. Furthermore, you have to be careful with scammers that try to dig for personal information and to use their money order scheme to trick you.

      I prefer to use a third party domain platform such as Sedo to handle the transaction. I usually provide the link that goes directly to Sedo. If you have an account with Sedo, you can use an affiliate partnership link to make a little commission on your sale. In my opinion, I feel that some people that find the domain ads may flag them because they can. You have an informative blog that I will definitely check out. Thanks again for sharing your experience.


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